Other news from the world of Re:Guest
Re:Guest Product Updates: July 2020
Continuous improvements on your Re:Guest
We have been working on the many new features of Auto Reception over the last few months to give you the best possible support when you reopen. Nevertheless there are continuous improvements in your Re:Guest.
Direct input of the bookings
You would like to enter bookings in Re:Guest without creating an offer before, in order to use the functionalities of Pre-, Post-Stay and Auto Reception also for all guests who did not book via Re:Guest? From now on this is possible via the new quick entry mask for bookings. Your employees save valuable time. High Sales - High Fun!

Other innovations
You want to create offers for direct enquiries with highest priority? Now you can filter the requests by source (channel).
Online check-in
List of open Online Check-Ins under Guest Archive.
We have added a filter by "type of guest" to the statistics of the Website Messenger.
From now on you can set in Re:Guest that birthday greetings are only sent to guests, who have explicitly agreed to the use of data for email marketing.
We have optimized the Messenger bubbles. Your guests will only receive the latest notifications and can therefore concentrate fully on the current steps in the Guest Journey.
Vioma Clearing Station: Push of bookings with several room occupancies in different time periods