Other news from the world of Re:Guest
From newsletters to bookings: the guide
The newsletter is still a viable way to sell
Download our free guide and learn how to make use of newsletters to build and strengthen relationships with your guests. The result will be that you maximise your bookings and additional sales.
Very personal: mass mailing is a thing of the past
The sub-heading of this section might mislead you, so we want to clarify something right away: newsletters are not a means to sell. At least, not directly. If used correctly, newsletters can certainly bring excellent financial rewards, but if you are to succeed you need to avoid anything that your readers might perceive as a sales pitch.
The key to success is this: focusing on building trust between your business and your guests in order to increase bookings. If you establish a firm relationship, it will have a positive impact on their booking and purchasing behaviour. But what does a newsletter have to be like to encourage loyalty? Personalisation is an essential requirement to make newsletters effective from the viewpoint of sales. Nevertheless, many hotels still send identical newsletters to everyone; regardless of the type of guest, when they like to take their holiday, or their personal interests.
This is because without a good CRM system it's not easy to do otherwise. A CRM system helps the hotelier to profile his guests, and transforms the data into valuable material for personalised sales campaigns.
What time of year, activities, or services is the guest interested in?
To create newsletters that really interest the reader, a detailed knowledge of your guests is essential, and also helps you avoid trivial content and low opening rates for your messages.
Your sales will also be more successful if your CRM software also allows you to send out your newsletter in various ways, depending on the messaging system preferred by different guests (e.g. email, Re:Guest Messenger, WhatsApp).
This has been shown by our customers who use the Sales Campaigns module: a newsletter sent via WhatsApp brings 12 times better results than the same one sent via email.
Newsletters: how often, in what way and... what?
We've seen that it's very important to profile your guests, and to use a variety of messaging systems as well as the classic email. But there is still another ingredient for a successful newsletter: persuasive communication.
How can you plan your mailing in a practical way and create compelling content, even if you're not a professional writer?
Explore our techniques and tips for this and more in our special white paper "Newsletters that Sell: The ultimate guide".
Download it for free, and unleash the full sales potential of your newsletters (and your communication skills!).